Technology-Related Projects @ CARLA

CARLA began work on issues of technology and second language learning in 1993. Each project provided foundational support for new initiatives and all of the projects have developed a wealth of models and materials that continue to inform work in this field.

Past Initiatives

Less Commonly Taught Languages and Technology
The LCTL project created a wide variety of teaching and learning resources, most of which use computer-based technology. The project maintained royalty-free pictures and sounds, email discussion lists for teachers, and an annual summer institute that focuses on helping instructors create pedagogically sound classroom materials.

Content Based Language Teaching through Technology - CoBaLTT (1999-2006)
The CoBaLTT program created indepth online resources that help language teachers create content-based lessons/units using technology to enhance students' language proficiency and content or cultural knowledge.

Teacher Development: Focus on Technology (1996-1999)
CARLA Technology Project staff developed a course for inservice and preservice teachers to explore the use of technology for enhancing second language learning. The course has been institutionalized at the University of Minnesota and has been adapted as a summer institute for a national audience.

Computer Assisted Language Learning Software Database (1993-1996)
CARLA Technology Project staff collected, evaluated and disseminated information on computer-assisted language learning software, and conducted workshops for secondary and college teachers of Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, and Russian. The database, hosted by the College of Liberal Arts Language Center, provided information on software for language learning and teaching.

Distance Learning by Interactive Video (1993-1996)
This project implemented distance learning courses for Russian and Chinese to college and secondary students at remote sites.


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