Uses of Generic Software: Additional Resources

Lewis, P.  (1997)  Using Productivity Software for Beginning Language Learning, Part I:  The Word Processor.  Learning and Leading with Technology, 24:8, 14-17.

Lewis, P.  (1997)  Using Productivity Software for Beginning Language Learning, Part II:  Spreadsheets, Databases, and Mail Merge.  Learning and Leading with Technology, 25:1, 12-17.

McNally, L. and Etchison, C.  (2000)  Strategies of Successful Technology Integrators:  Part I - Streamlining Classroom Management.  Learning and Leading With Technology, 28:2, 6-9.

McNally, L. and Etchison, C.  (2000)  Strategies of Successful Technology Integrators:  Part II - Software Tools.  Learning and Leading With Technology, 28:3, 6-9.

McNally, L. and Etchison, C.  (2000-2001)  Strategies of Successful Technology Integrators:  Part III - Network Tools.  Learning and Leading With Technology, 28:4, 6-9.

Robinette, Michelle.  (1996)  Top 10 Uses for ClarisWorks in the One-Computer Classroom.  Learning and Leading With Technology,  24:2, 37-40.

Lee's Summit R7 School District "Technology Integration" pages have a lot of ideas and tutorials for using generic software in the classroom.

Microsoft has tutorials for Word, Excel, Powerpoint and more in its education section of Office Online

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