Use Web Resources: Readings
Why would you want to use the Internet for language teaching and learning? How might you use it, if you wanted to? These readings will give you some ideas to start with - what's possible, and maybe some inspiration to do new things with your students.
Brandl, Klaus. 2002. Integrating Internet-Based Reading materials into the Foreign Language Curriculum: From Teacher-to Student-centered Approaches. Language Learning & Technology, Vol. 6, No.3, pp. 87-107. http://
If you are an ISTE member, you can access these two readings online.
Insinnia, E., Skarecki, E. and Tucker, J. (2000) Teach a Novel without the Internet? Never Again! Learning and Leading with Technology, 27:8, 28-35.
Kwajewski, K. (2000) Untangling the Web: Integrating the Web into the Middle School Curriculum. Learning and Leading With Technology, 28:2, 50-53.