Create Web Resources: Make Webpages, Quizzes, Games, Rubrics and more!

Remember when you are finished making one of these - add it to your TrackStar track!

For most of these you will need to make an account.
HINT: use the same login and password for all of them!

• Try Web Worksheet Wizard to make a basic webpage.

• Make a rubric with RubiStar to grade your students' work.

• Try Dennie's SMILE activity creators

• Create an activity in one of these quiz-type makers:

ClassMarker (free) ($49.00/year - 30-day free trial) - no student password for games, but needed for quizzes
QuizStar (free) - rather complicated class setup. Cannot link directly to a quiz. Students need passwords.

• Create a Virtual Fieldtrip

• Create a survey with SurveyMonkey

For those who are very familiar with webpage-making, saving, and FTP'ing files to your webserver:

HotPotatoes - very nice, customizable, need to download and install locally to create.  Upload to your own server space.
Interactive Makers - you can create these online, but you need to save locally and upload to your own server space


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