Language Learning Uses of Generic Software

Here we are using the term "generic" to mean software that is not specifically meant for language learning (i.e., a word processor, or a presentation application, etc.).  We are starting here because it is likely that your school or district already has software of this type available to you, so you do not have to break the budget to acquire it.  It takes a little more creativity to "convert" generic software to language learning purposes, but we think you will find plenty of ideas to get you started.

Here are some of the generic software applications you might consider:

  •  word processor (for example, MS Word, Appleworks, MS Works, WordPerfect)
  •  spreadsheet (Excel, Appleworks)
  •  presentation (PowerPoint, KidPix)
  •  database (Filemaker Pro, Access)
  •  mind-mapping (Inspiration)
  •  are there applications that other departments use that you could share?


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