Using Digital Images: Additional Resourcescamera in mirrors

Digital Camera Ideas for educational purposes.
These ideas are split into five general categories: elementary, middle, secondary, adult, and multi-level.

100 Uses for the Digital Camera in the Classroom. Lots of lesson plans included. Click on "Resources" for a lot more!

Duncan, Deborah. Using a Digital Camera in the Classroom.

The Lee's Summit R7 School District
has a Digital Media page with many links for using cameras in the classroom.

Jerry Creek's Digital Cameras Page – lots of links to lesson plans and ideas for using digital cameras in the classroom

Molina, A. (2005). Project ConTExT. Center for Urban Teacher Education and Technology, Bank Street College of Education.
This pdf file is a research project using photos to help speech-impaired bilingual students remember details of field trips

5 effective ways for young children to use technology

Storytelling for Non-writers and Non-readers with Digital Cameras - They use PowerPoint to record the student's voice for the story.

Bull, G. & Bell, L., Eds. (2005). Teaching with digital images: Acquire, analyze, create, communicate. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education. Comes with CD of examples. Available from the ISTE Online Bookstore.

Abrams, A. (2006). Award winning digital photography projects for the classroom. Eugene OR: Visions Technology in Education. Comes with CD of examples. Available online from the Tools for Teachers website.

Digital Cameras & Photo Editing School for Teachers & Students
using Olympus and Adobe Photoshop Elements

Additional Fun Software

Using Photo Story 3, a free program from Microsoft for Windows XP users, learn how to "create slideshows using your digital photos." You'll be able to touch-up, crop, or rotate pictures, add special effects, text, and sound. An excellent feature of Photo Story 3 is the small file size of your finished photo stories, small enough to attach to email.

Make comics with your photos!

For Mac - Comic Life free version comes with the Intel Macs. Article with what it does and where to get it. You can also get an upgrade to the Deluxe

For PC - try Comicbook Creator

Share your photos online and make Bragbooks, Calendars, Greeting Cards, or just order prints, etc.

For Mac - you've got iPhoto free with OS X, but there is a fee for making these projects.

For both Mac and PC there are many online photo sites - I like Shutterfly - free download to, fee to print the project.


Here is a good place for background information on digital cameras. Some of the information gets much deeper than just the basics. has articles on tops for using your camera, a glossary of technical terms, what to look for when purchasing, and much more!

Cell phone photos

Steven E. Quasha. Testing communicative competence using mobile phone digital photos.

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