Create Web Resources: Activities

Compare Activity Makers

Some are called quizzes, others are different types of things, but all can be used to create activities of various kinds.

Use the questions and links below to compare the capabilities of the activity makers below.

• How do they compare?
• What kinds of question and answer formats can you use?
• How does it "score" the activity?
• Can you send an essay to the teacher's email?
• Can you limit the number of tries for a question?  unlimited?
• Can you combine questions types?
• Can you add in a graphic or a link to an outside page (or sound)?
• Is your activity immediately online or do you need to upload it to a server?

Here are information pages about some of the quiz makers:

Quia -
      Click the "Documentation" for a PDF with a description
ClassMarker -
HotPotates -
      Click "Start" - then look at these Go! buttons:
           What is Hot Potatoes? - Look at the Examples (don't do the Tutorial until later)
           The Potatoes, one by one

Something to think about:  Does a "quiz" type of activity always need to be graded? How else could you use a quiz activity?

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