Create Web Resources

In this section of the Web Resources, we will look at creating our own webpages, and webpages that have some interactivity to them.  The definition of "interactivity" is somewhat hard to pin down.  It can vary from the student's choice of links to follow in a hyperlinked document, to full-simulatoin game-playing.  However you define it, we want our students to be involved with the content they are learning, and not just passive readers/listeners.

Take a look at the Track that you made in TrackStar. Did you find some webpages that have some interactivity contained in them? What about some "quiz" type activities, to check on comprehension of reading or listening? Or a game-type activity to activate new vocabulary? Or how about an exercise to practice a grammar concept?

You probably found a number of great informational pages, but now we'd like to help students interact with this content in some way. In this mini-module, we take a look at a number of activity "makers" that make different kinds of activities, and we'll put them to use for a variety of purposes.


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