Interaction: Activity 1

Noticing corrective feedback

Please read the information about interaction before working through these activities.

Uptake occurs when a learner repeats some corrective feedback. The presence of uptake in learner interaction demonstrates that the learner has noticed the correction. Consider the interaction below between Henry and Raúl, and answer the question below the table.

Task Line #  
Jigsaw 7 H: ...arriba, hay dos, dos arbóles verdes y um...hay, hay uh, un, ¿qué más? ...
  33 H: ...uh, hay unas, hay unas arbóles que no, no están muy cerca
Sí es uh, no puedo ver todo el- todos los árboles, pero puedo ver dos partes de dos arbóles.
H: Uh, cerca?...cerca, casa, arbóles?
R: dos árboles, dos árboles, sí.
H: <laughs> Yo creo que mi casa es muy antigua.

Does Henry notice the difference between arbóles and árboles in this recast given by Raúl? Explain.

When you have finished typing your answer, click to compare your response with the Learner Language staff response.

Henry’s error, repeated several times (lines 7, 33, 71, 72 and 81), is placing the stress on the wrong syllable in the word arbóles. Raúl does not correct this until the error occurs in line 81. Then Raúl gives corrective feedback to Henry with a recast, putting stress on the first syllable: árboles. There isn’t any evidence that Henry notices this correction since he doesn’t try to say this word again -- in other words, there’s no uptake.  
Do you think this lack of noticing means a lack of acquisition? Or do you think this corrective feedback might still be effective on an unconscious level?



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