Error Analysis: Activity 1

Classify errors in learner language

Please read the information about error analysis before working through these activities.

Watch Anna B and Sophia’s Interviews and mark all the errors you hear on a photocopy of the transcript. An error is something that is different from your reconstruction of the utterances as you think an equivalent native speaker would have produced it. Fragments or colloquial expressions are not errors if an equivalent native speaker would use them.

Fill in the following tables with at least five each of Anna B’s and Sophia’s errors. Try to include examples of different types: phonology, morphology, syntax, and vocabulary.

  1. In Column 1, indicate the line number where you found the error
  2. In Column 2, copy the error and the words that immediately preceded and followed the error.
  3. In Column 3, indicate your reconstruction(s) of the learner’s erroneous utterance. If there is more than one possible reconstruction, list more than one.
  4. In Column 4, indicate types of the error including phonology, morphology, syntax, morpho-syntax, and vocabulary.

Anna B

Line number

Phrase with error

Target language reconstruction

Type of error






















Line number

Phrase with error

Target language reconstruction

Type of error





















Anna B Interview

Transcript (PDF)

Sophia Interview

Transcript (PDF)

When you have finished filling in the charts, click to compare your response with the Learner Language staff response.

Anna B

Anna B




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