Modes of Communication


1. List the three modes of communication:

The three modes of communication are:



2. Identify the communication mode associated with each characteristic listed below:

  YES     NO   
Students practice several times with feedback before giving their final oral performance.

  YES     NO   
Two-way communication

  YES     NO   
Demonstrates understanding of authentic materials

  YES     NO   

  YES     NO   
Keeping the audience's attention is important

  YES     NO   
Students must react appropriately to what others are saying

  YES     NO   
Uses context clues to aid understanding


3. Decide which of the modes is addressed with the following tasks:

  YES     NO   
Draw a sequence of five pictures depicting the main events in a legend.

  YES     NO   
Discuss with a friend which of the paintings on display you like and why.

  YES     NO   
Give a demonstration speech on how to make an omelet.

  YES     NO   
Listen to a newscast and list the topics discussed.

  YES     NO   
Write a letter of introduction to a family you will stay with in Germany.

  YES     NO   
Present a scene from Le Petit Prince.

  YES     NO   
Play a card game with classmates.


4. Take the task below and extend it into an integrated performance assessment unit for your students that reflects all three modes of communication. Design tasks for the Interpersonal and Presentational Modes related to the topic of legends.

Interpretive Task: Draw a sequence of five pictures depicting the main events in a legend.


[Drag the bottom right corner to expand this box.]

Interpretive Mode: Draw a sequence of five pictures depicting the main events in a legend.

Presentational Mode: Dramatize the legend by creating a modern adaptation to present to the class.

Interpersonal Mode: In groups compare the role and importance of legends in the target culture to American culture.


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