Create a Standards-Based Integrated Performance Assessment Unit Step-by-Step

Reflections: Teacher and Student Reactions to the Standards-based Integrated Performance Assessment Unit Model

Student Reactions

Before watching the video

Think about the last unit you taught. How would your students describe what they learned and how they were assessed on that learning?


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As you watch the video

In the box below the movie, write down the descriptors that the teachers use to talk about the impact of standards-based performance assessments on their students and on their instruction.

How teachers describe the impact of standards-based performance assessments on their students and their instruction:

All of the teachers in this segment spoke about the clarity of purpose for the students in their classes. Students understood the objectives for the unit, why they were completing various activities, and how those activities led to greater success on the assessments. They also spoke about the connections among the modes that strengthened students' communication skills. Finally, the teachers indicated that the standards-based model resulted in tasks that were more "real world", especially with the emphasis on authentic materials.


Open Discussion

In the last segment of this video series, teachers participate in an open forum where they respond to a variety of questions about standards-based performance assessments and how this model has influenced their teaching.

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As you watch the video

In the box below the movie, note the reasons that these teachers give for using the standards-based performance assessment model as a framework for planning both instruction and assessment.


Reasons teachers give for using the standards-based performance assessment model:

The teachers summarize the benefits of using this model for planning instruction and assessment:

  • The unit is more engaging for the students because the topic is interesting.
  • Presenting the unit objectives in terms of what the students will know and be able to do shows the students what they will be able to accomplish by the end of the unit.
  • The continuous feedback on performance throughout the unit improves student performance on the final assessment.
  • The final assessment tasks are real-life drawing on authentic materials and situations making the learning relevant and purposeful for the students.

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After watching the video

The teachers described the standards-based integrated performance assessment as a change in philosophy of how to organize a unit of instruction. How could this model change the way you organize instruction? How does it open communication across languages and levels where you teach?


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