spaceCenter for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)

Sample Questionnaire about Speech Act Strategies Website

1. How helpful were the Speech Act Strategies web-based materials in your learning of Japanese? (Circle a number)

5                      4                      3                      2                      1

Very helpful                                        So-so                                      Not at all


2. This year the speech act assignments counted for __% of your final course grade.  Is that a proper percentage for the amount of work you did in order to complete the Speech Act Strategies materials?  (Circle a number)


            __  Yes.


            ___ No, __% is too little.  Your comments:



            ___ No, __% is too much. Your comments:



3. Which of the following would you have wanted in conjunction with the assignment?  (Check all that apply)

            ___   Regular review of the speech act material in class

            ___   Guest speaker and a few practice opportunities

            ___   Individualized feedback from the instructor

            ___   More formal assessment of the speech acts that were studied

            ___   More credit given for the completion of the speech act assignments

            ___   More resources about speech acts in Japanese

            ___   The option of extra credit for the completion of the speech act materials

            ___   No speech acts at all (reason:




4.  To what extent is each of the following situations the Speech Act Strategies materials useful for? (5 – very useful, 4 – useful, 3 – so-so, 2 – not so helpful, 1 – not useful at all)

            ___   Interacting with Japanese instructors

            ___   Interacting with Japanese speakers in Minnesota/US

            ___   Interacting with Japanese speakers in Japan


5.  Please write any comments you wish to share with your instructors and/or the material developers.





Thank you very much!



Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414 | Contact CARLA