Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) | |||||||
Exercise 5:
Compliments/Responses to Compliments
Sample Dialogue 4 お客さん:お嬢さん、ほんとにかわいくて勉強もお出来になって、本当に言うことなしじゃないですか。
Ojousan, hontoni kawaikute benkyoumo odekininatte, hontouni iukoto nashija naidesuka. ‘Your
daughter is so cute and intelligent. You
really have no complaints.’ ホスト:いやいや、まだ子供なんですよ。 Iyaiya, mada
kodomo nandesuyo. ‘Oh,
no, she is still pretty childish.’ |
Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center •
331 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414 | Contact CARLA