Exercise 9: Simulation Exercise for
Apologizing – 1
expressions used by Japanese students (in the order of frequency)
1) 申し訳ありません moushiwake
arimasen type
2) すみません sumimasen type
3) 失礼しました shitsurei
shimashita type
4) 許してください yurushite
kudasai type
5) 恐れ入ります osore
irimasu type
6) ご迷惑をお掛けします gomeiwakuwo
okake shimasu type
apology expressions may be intensified with the use of, for example, hontouni, doumo, taihen, and makotoni. Usually these intensifiers are
pronounced emphatically to communicate a sincere tone of voice.
These data in Exercise 9 are based
on a study by Hayashi (1999).