Instructional Materials

Terms of Use

The multimedia in the VPA and the VAVA are freely available for educational use, either because they are copyright free, or because the LCTL Project has been given permission by the copyright holder to distribute them. Each image is accompanied by credit and copyright information. Please be advised of the conditions on fair use for online resources, as outlined in the Report to the Commissioner on the Conclusion of the First Phase of the Conference on Fair Use from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. In particular, the report recommends the following when using digitized images:

5.3 Attribution and Acknowledgment.
Educators, scholars, and students should credit the sources and display the copyright notice(s) with any copyright ownership information shown in the original source, for all images digitized by educators, scholars, and students, including those digitized under fair use. Crediting the source means adequately identifying the souce of the work, giving a full bibliographic description where available (including the creator/author, title, publisher, and place and date of publication) or citing the electronic address if the work is from a network source. Educators, scholars and students should retain any copyright notice or other proprietary rights notice placed by the copyright owner or image archive or collection on the digital image, unless they know that the work has entered the public domain or that the copyright ownership has changed. In those cases when source credits and copyright ownership information cannot be displayed on the screen with the image for educational reasons (e.g., during examinations), this information should still be linked to the image. (Appendix H)



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