Registration Information
- Registration Costs
- Graduate-Level Credit Tuition & Fees and Registration Process:
- UMN Students
- Non-Degree-Seeking Students
- Closed Institutes
- Registration & Payment Options
- Receipts
- Special Needs
Registration Costs and Payment
Registration costs for the CARLA summer institutes can be found in the table below.
- Early-Bird Registration: Register on or before April 29, 2022 to save $75 off regular price.
- Regular Registration: Register between April 30–June 3, 2022.
- Late Registration Fee: An additional $50 will be charged for all registrations made after June 3, 2022.
- Note: Registration will close five business days before the start of each institute.
Additional registration information includes the following:
- All registrations must include payment. See below for payment options.
- Registration is on a non-credit basis. A certificate of up to 30 clock hours is available upon completion of any of the 1-week summer institutes (face-to-face and synchronous) and the asynchronous summer institutes (3- and 5-week). Note: TTLO participants can earn up to 120 clock hours for this intensive 4-week institute.
- Information on registration for graduate-level credit can be found below.
Graduate-Level Credit Tuition & Fees and Registration Process:
UMN and Non-Degree-Seeking StudentsTuition and fees and the registration process for graduate-level credits depends on whether you are a University of Minnesota degree-seeking/certificate student or a non-degree-seeking (not matriculated in a UMN program) participant who wishes to take the institute for credit.
Click on the appropriate tab below for detailed information.
University of Minnesota (UM) Degree-Seeking or Certificate Students
Cost: Initial CARLA Registration ($150–$325) + University Tuition and Fees
- University of Minnesota students who wish to register for graduate-level credits and are currently enrolled in a degree-seeking program or certificate program at the University of Minnesota can receive a discount on their initial CARLA cost (varies between $150 for early registration to $325 for late registration). This payment to CARLA covers the cost of materials and, in some institutes, extras such as refreshments and/or guest presenters.
- Tuition/fees for credit registration are set by the University (not CARLA)and charged according to the student’s status. Information about costs for University tuition and fees can be found on OneStop.
- Note: Students who receive the initial CARLA Registration discount must also register for graduate-level credit and pay UMN tuition or they will be billed the balance of the non-credit cost of the course.
Process: Registration for current degree-seeking/certificate UMN students wishing to take a CARLA summer institute for credit requires a three-step process:
- UMN student pays an initial non-credit CARLA registration cost (varies between $150–$325) through CARLA’s registration system. A UMN student ID# is required to register.
- CARLA secures the special permission required for credit registration. CARLA will alert UMN students when they are cleared to register for credit through MyU. (Note: We will begin the process of clearing UMN students for registration at the beginning of May. Our goal thereafter will be to clear registration by the Thursday after a student registers through CARLA. Rest assured that your place in the credit class will be guaranteed.)
- UMN student registers for graduate-level credit online through MyU.
Note: Students who have not registered for consecutive terms may be deactivated from the UM registration system and cannot register until they reactivate their student status on the Graduate School readmissions website.
After registration: The University of Minnesota Registrar will bill the cost of University tuition and fees, which is based on the student's status at the University. Those registrants who receive the student discount, but do not register for credit by the time the institute begins, will be billed for the balance of the registration cost.
Problems? Students who have problems with credit registration after the initial registration through CARLA can contact Karin Larson ( with their student ID# and the name of the summer institute(s) for which they need to register.
Non-Degree-Seeking Students
Eligibility: Participants can take graduate-level courses as a non-degree-seeking student at the University if they have a bachelor's or another postsecondary degree and are not admitted to, or currently active in, a University of Minnesota degree program.
Cost: Initial CARLA Registration (varies between $350 for early registration to $625 for late registration) + University Tuition and Fees ($743 per credit, plus approximately $100 in registration fees for two credits.)
Any participant who wishes to register for graduate-level credit, but is not a University of Minnesota degree-seeking/certificate student must pay the regular CARLA registration costs in addition to University tuition and fees. See a chart of tuition and fees for non-degree-seeking students.
Process: Registration for non-degree-seeking students wishing to take a CARLA summer institute for credit requires a three-step process:
- Participant pays the initial CARLA registration cost (varies between $350–$625) through CARLA’s registration system.
- Student completes a non-degree-seeking credit registration request form which will be made available on the CARLA website before the institute starts. Once the registration form has been processed, an email confirmation will be sent to the student by the Office of the Registrar. The email will include directions on how to set up a University of Minnesota email account and pay the bill for University credit tuition/fees.
- Student pays the cost of University credit tuition/fees. See the OneStop website for information about payment process and dates.
Note! Non-degree-seeking students who are accepted to the following UMN certificate programs are eligible for a discount on their initial registration cost.
Closed Institutes (FULL)—Please Note!!!
- Some of the CARLA summer institutes fill up quickly. Register soon!
- To find out whether an institute is full, check the institute schedule page.
- If the institute is full, you can get on the waiting list via our registration system.
Registration and Payment Options
- Online registration with a credit card (recommended):
- Registration by check (only if needed): Contact the CARLA office at
Please Note:
- All registrations must include payment.
- Payment must be made in U.S. dollars.
- Purchase orders and wire transfers are not accepted.
- This is a non-credit registration.
- For many of the institutes, you may register for graduate-level credit for an additional cost of UMN tuition and fees.
- See tabs above for more information for more information on the costs and the process of graduate-level credit registration.
- For information about obtaining clock hours (no additional charge) see the Clock Hour webpage.
- There are restrictions on refunds. You must agree to the Refund Policy and Dates in order to register.
Need a Receipt?
All registrants are sent an electronic receipt of registration payment from the system that processes registrations—for online registration, this receipt is sent immediately. If you didn't receive a receipt or you can't find it, you can do the following:
- Check your "Junk Mail" folder to see if your spam filter sent the email there.
- If you registered online, you can log in again and retrieve your receipt.
- Or, you can contact the CARLA office to get a new copy emailed to you. Email
Special Needs
If you have special needs, please contact the CARLA office ( at least three weeks prior to your institute so we can make the necessary arrangements.