Pre-Conference Workshops (click title for abstract/presenters)
"Fostering Critical Thinking and Academic Language through Visual Images: A Hands-On Approach"
Barnes-Karol & Broner, St. Olaf College PowerPoint (PDF) and Handouts (PDF)
In this workshop, the presenters will share a framework for helping students develop critical thinking and academic language skills in their foreign language with the goal of training them to analyze a variety of texts relevant to CLAC courses. The presenters draw on the lessons learned from FLAC at St. Olaf that informed the reconceptualization of a third-semester Spanish course that, in turn, sparked other curricular reforms. Presenters will take participants through a step-by-step process using texts and tasks from their classrooms. Then participants will have the opportunity to apply the principles of the approach to sets of images pertinent to various disciplines. The goal is to illustrate how images can be one point of entry into a larger web of other images and texts embedded within a disciplinary context whose analysis fosters critical thinking and the use of academic language in the foreign language.
Presenters: Gwendolyn Barnes-Karol (Ph.D., Minnesota, Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures) and Maggie Broner (Ph.D., Minnesota, Hispanic Linguistics) are Professor and Associate Professor of Spanish/Director of Linguistic Studies, respectively, at St. Olaf College. They share a joint research agenda in second language acquisition: specifically, content-based instruction with a focus on development of critical thinking skills and academic language and the reading of literature by foreign language learners. Both are faculty in St. Olaf's Foreign Languages Across the Curriculum Program.
"How to Design & Implement a CLAC Program that Works for Your Campus" Davies, Princeton University PowerPoint (PDF)
The workshop will provide participants with all the information needed to design and implement a CLAC program at their home institution. After an introduction to CLAC philosophy and overview of the history of CLAC to set the stage the presenter will provide a survey of existing types of CLAC programs at a variety of U.S. colleges and universities along with specific examples, including best practices from institutions with different types of CLAC programs. Hands-on group exercises, geared at assessing participants’ home institution, will guide participants through the process of developing the most appropriate style of CLAC for their individual campus. The workshop will conclude with information about measuring outcomes and promoting CLAC to faculty, administrators, students and funders/donors.
Presenter: Diana Davies is the Vice Provost for International Initiatives at Princeton University. She holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Rochester with specializations in modern Russian and Latin American literature. She is a member of the Executive Council of the Association of International Education Administrators and is the acting chair of the CLAC Consortium. She has directed CLAC programs at the University of Iowa and Binghamton University.
"Preparing Graduate Students to Teach CLAC" Kinsella, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill & Gonzalez, Binghamton University PowerPoint & Handouts (PDF)
This workshop offers practical advice on training graduate students to teach in the CLAC classroom. We will share strategies for guiding student-instructors from a variety of academic disciplines and cultural backgrounds, as well as at different stages of their academic careers. We will also consider ways to help doctoral candidates prepare for the academic job market.
Tanya Kinsella oversees the Languages Across the Curriculum (LAC) Program at UNC-Chapel Hill. In this capacity, she offers annual LAC pedagogy workshops, teaches a graduate-level course on Teaching LAC, and supervises the Graduate Certificate in Languages Across the Curriculum instruction. She holds a Ph.D. in German Language and Literature from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Suronda Gonzalez is director of Binghamton University’s Languages Across the Curriculum (LxC) program which celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2011. She also directs the Global Studies Minor program, helping students integrate their study abroad experiences into their majors/minors. Suronda works with Binghamton faculty interested in internationalizing their courses and each semester leads a pedagogical training seminar for graduate students working with LxC. She holds a Ph.D. in History from Binghamton University.
1:00—1:15 pm
Welcome, Humphrey Ballroom Elaine Tarone, Dan Soneson
1:15—1:30 pm
"CLAC 101: Definition of Terms" Humphrey Ballroom - Diana Davies
1:30—2:30 pm
Plenary One, Humphrey Ballroom
"CLAC in a Nutshell" Tanya Kinsella, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2:45—4:15 pm
Breakout Sessions A
"LAC at 20: Reflections on Using French Texts to Teach French History" Peters & Barjesteh
St. Olaf College
Presentations by two seasoned practitioners from St. Olaf’s FLAC program focus on choice of texts, syllabus construction, development of study guides, and integration of French language materials in two French history courses with language components: Modern France and French Revolution & Napoleon. The impact on student learning in our respective disciplines is discussed.
"Crossing the Boundaries between German and Environmental Studies" Melin, Kautz, & Oberlin
University of Minnesota PowerPoint (PDF)
This panel describes the path to designing German courses cross-listed with a Sustainability Studies minor. The initiative aligns revitalization of the German curriculum with campus-wide interest in developing the communication and interpretive skills of students in environmental science fields, and uses a topic-focused framework linked to learning goals of the National Standards.
"Uniting Disciplines: Longwood University's General Education Summer Abroad as a Model for Meaningful Content-Focused Language Use and Cultural Sensitization" Goetz & Holliday
Longwood University
A program in Spain and Greece sensitizes students to cultural differences by weaving three General Education requirements into an immersion setting. Courses in History, Intermediate Spanish, and an Advanced Writing Seminar centered around “Active Citizenship” merge activities to form an interdisciplinary inquiry into language and identity in the bilingual cultural context of Valencia, Spain.
4:30—6:00 pm
Reception and Posters, Humphrey Ballroom
"Cross-cultural/Cross-discipline Connections in the Redesign of a Spanish Intermediate Course"
Matos-Schultz, University of Minnesota
Corbin, University of Minnesota
This presentation will analyze student performance in an intermediate level Spanish technology blended course after exposure to content driven online learning modules. We will focus on two cross-disciplinary units: 1) the use of eco-sustainable architecture in city design and 2) a (re)consideration of the socio-historical countermovement of La Movida Madrileña.
"Culture and Language for Business" Poster (PDF) Pinto, University of Minnesota
The better we understand other languages and cultures, the more successfully we can perform in global business contexts. The University of Minnesota Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) supports the integration of language and culture in the business curriculum. We serve students, faculty, and professionals in gaining critical skills for practice around the world.
"From Operational Culture to a Model of Functional Cross-cultural Competency" Rubin, San Diego State University
The online Afghan Culture with Language course harnesses authentic cultural and language content using rapid E-Learning software and Moodle. This poster shows lessons requiring participants to take the operational culture of Afghanistan learned in prior lessons (ie. Pashtunwali Codes of Honor, Religion, and Tribes), and use that cultural knowledge to make decisions in hypothetical situations.
"Getting Outside of the Foreign Language Classroom: Using On-campus and Community Resources to Develop Translingual and Transcultural Competence in Thai/Lao and Other Languages" Poster (PDF) Hartmann, Northern Illinois University
Dolphen, Mahidol-Salaya University
The presenter provides an overview of on-campus resources, such as special library collections, museum collections, world musical events, food festivals, and guest speakers that bring an Asian cultural experience up close and real so as to reinforce deeper language and global understanding beyond the walls of a Thai/Lao classroom.
"Intercultural Tandem by Computer Mediated Communication: A Tool for Developing Verbal Skills in the Foreign Language Class" Williams, Northwestern University
Students in the USA learning intermediate Portuguese and students in Brazil learning intermediate English each week study a common topic, and in pairs discuss that topic via Skype. Each student records his/her own interaction so later they can carefully observe their communication with their partner, and review aspects of language use and culture.
"International Visitor Leadership Program: A Resource for CLAC" Reid, World Learning
Getahun, Minnesota International Center
The United States Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) is a valuable resource that can help the CLAC movement meet its goals. International Visitors (IVs) can be invited to classes to create a meaningful learning experience for students by serving as language conversation partners, cultural informants, or professional experts.
"Languages Across the Curriculum at Trinity University" Poster (PDF) Holl, Trinity University
Since 1993, Trinity University has used a variety of LAC models to offer courses in Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, French, German, and Russian, in Art History, Business Administration, Biology, Communication, Economics, Education, History, Mathematics, Modern Languages & Literatures, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, and Sociology & Anthropology. We’re expanding the list of LAC models to include even more faculty members across campus.
"Spanish Immersion at the University Level: Challenges and Opportunities" Glover, Georgetown College
This presentations explores some of the challenges and opportunities of implementing a Spanish immersion program at the university level. It focuses special attention on student recruitment and course development.
"TandemPlus: Developing Translingual Competence and Transcultural Awareness through Guided ConversationPlus" Clements, University of Minnesota
The poster presents the TandemPlus program that pairs native speakers with learners of their language, for reciprocal language and culture learning. An online application process and database facilitate the pairing, both on campus and throughout the world. The database can support CLAC by pairing students who share similar disciplinary interests.
"Target-Language Theatre as Lived Experience: Politics, Phenomenology and the Toss of a Coin" Poster (PDF) Kingsbury, University of Wisconsin-Madison
During Spring 2011, a University of Wisconsin-Madison Spanish class studied Latin American theatre and performed a play, Sabina Berman's ¿Águila o sol?, whose political content informed and was informed by the students' experience of the real-life political events affecting their campus and city: Gov. Walker’s conflict with senators, public employees and citizens.
"Two Cross-Disciplinary Language Projects to Promote Authentic Language Use and Community Development Abroad and at Home" Poster (PDF) Young, University of Minnesota
As a Spanish professor I collaborated with students on two community projects using their Spanish. In rural Nicaragua two Political Science students interviewed micro-loan recipients and created a report and video on community development. In Milwaukee’s south side two Honors students interviewed Latin American immigrants and developed a resource packet for community organizers.
"Parrainage Francophone Francophile: Team Learning in a University Level Immersion Program Between Native French Speakers and Second-Language Immersion Students" Weinberg
University of Ottawa PowerPoint (PDF)
The Parrainage project enhances team learning by pairing native French speakers with Anglophone students taking immersion courses in French at the University of Ottawa. Pairs can study together to better understand their cultures and the language, vocabulary, and content of their shared discipline course. A survey of student perception of the project will be presented.
"Moving Beyond the Departmental Box of Foreign Language Teaching" Lawless
Cornell University
Cornell University has offered FLAC courses for five years but because of a lack of money, we are rethinking old models, both traditional and FLAC. We discuss this catalytic moment of movement in our university, and a possible present and future for language teaching incorporating graduate students, technology, and commitment to undergraduate learning.
"Teaching in the Bilingual, Cross-cultural Classroom: Lessons from an Experimental Teleconference Course with Russian and American Students" Lanoux
Connecticut College
Connecticut College and the Higher Schools of Economics in St. Petersburg, Russia, offer a team-taught course via teleconference on Russian and American youth culture. American and Russian students meet weekly via teleconference to discuss key issues. The presentation outlines pedagogical and logistical challenges, exciting intellectual possibilities and profound cultural exchanges of team-teaching via teleconference.
"Interdisciplinary English Workshops: An Innovative Program for University Students" Muñoz, Alarcón, & Gonzales
University of Guanajuato PowerPoint (PDF)
A research project examined a course taught in two disciplinary areas at the University of Guanajuato, to support students’ linguistic development and prepare them for graduate studies in their discipline. The study identified the challenges teachers and students faced as they encountered a student centered situation that problematized their previous teaching and learning experiences.
"(Are We Really) Integrating Culture and Language at Westminster College (?)" Dennison
Westminster College PowerPoint (PDF)
The Department of Foreign Languages has begun to integrate culture and language-learning across the curriculum. With a study abroad program in Spain and coordination with business, education, and biology departments, we are increasing majors or minors in language studies and the number of international experiences. But how can we do more?
"A CLAC Mentorship Collective in Practice: Bringing Students and Faculty Together Across Twelve Time Zones" Marston
Drake University
An applied transcultural class invites Russian students to explore American humor, media, political processes, education and law, using English. Students are prompted to see underlying and unspoken cultural assumptions and contrast them with their own Russian experience. These non-traditional content-focused classes are interactive online video-conferences (using WebEx) and additional asynchronous work centers in Moodle.
"Ethnographic Interviews in an Intensive Asian Studies Course in Japan and China" Ito
St. Olaf College PowerPoint (PDF)
Ethnographic interviews produce culture learning in university classes and study abroad (e.g. Robinson-Stuart & Nocon, 1996). In the Asian Conversations Program, ethnographic interviews are integrated into a non-language course— an intensive off-campus interdisciplinary Asian Studies course in Tokyo and Beijing supervised by an Asian Studies faculty member. This program is described in detail.
"OPEN FORUM: Creating and Maintaining CLAC Programs in Difficult Times" Krutky, Baldwin-Wallace College
Davies, Princeton
In this open forum, attendees will be asked to share current challenges related to either getting a new CLAC program off the ground or keeping an existing program operating in the face of difficult economic times and serious cuts to federal funding. Attendees will share ideas about meeting these challenges, including brainstorming audience-targeted strategies.
"OPEN FORUM: Technology as a Tool for Connecting Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum" Soneson, U of Minnesota
Scinicariello, U of Richmond
Evans, Skidmore College
This open discussion will explore the potential of technology tools for linking CLAC programs across campuses and even continents. Participants will be invited to share their experiences using technology in CLAC programs, and identify some of the benefits and pitfalls involved in using tech tools to support CLAC.
12:30—1:30 pm
Sit-down Lunch, Humphrey Ballroom (included in registration)
1:45—3:15 pm
Breakout Sessions C
"CLAC and the Internationalization of the Curriculum" Woodruff, U of Minnesota
Hoff, Richmond U PowerPoint (PDF)
This session will provide discussion of CLAC’s role in internationalizing the curriculum in higher education. Presenters will refer to several models of the internationalization of the curriculum and curriculum integration of study abroad through case studies at the University of Minnesota and the University of Richmond, in addition to several other institutions.
"Foreign Languages Across Curriculum (FLAC): The St. Olaf Experience" Walter, Kuxhausen, & Lie
St. Olaf College
The panel participants will each describe and analyze their experience in designing and running content courses with a FLAC section attached: Russian History, Nordic Films and 19-th Century Russian Literature (an Interim course taught abroad). The presenters will share examples of course material, uses of technology, and successful strategies, along with missteps.
"CLAC-ing Across the Curriculum: How Culture and Language Enhance Baldwin-Wallace Courses in Core and Majors" Krutky, Morales-Ortiz, & Coble
Baldwin-Wallace College PowerPoint (PDF)
Presenters discuss pedagogical strategies developed to meet important core and program objectives in the new cross-listed political science and international studies LAC courses offered this Fall 2011. They also describe a 2-credit LAC course students may take for Core credit with B-W’s common experience Core course, Enduring Questions for an Intercultural World.