The Center for
Advanced Research on Language Acquisition
is a research and resource center
devoted to improving language
teaching and learning.
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CARLA is currently carrying out the following initiatives:
CARLA supports the professional development of second language teachers through an array of institutes, workshops, and conferences.
- CARLA Summer Institute Program–Registration for the 2022 CARLA Summer Institutes is now open!
- Presentations and Workshops–Check out the evolving list of presentations and workshops that CARLA offers as well as the recordings of past CARLA presentations.
Interested in multiliteracies pedagogy?
Check out the new infographic for teachers for an at-a-glance comparison of multiliteracies pedagogy and communicative language teaching!
This handy infographic was designed by the Foreign Language Literacies project team based their research examining how teachers understand and implement multiliteracies pedagogy.