Immersion Bibliography Search Results

Found 417 matching records for: Two-way

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Barnett, W. S., Yarosz, D. J., Thomas, J., Jung, K., & Blanco, D. (2007). Two-way and monolingual English immersion in preschool education: An experimental comparison. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 22, 277–293.
Bartolini, M. C. (n.d.). Los insectos. CARLA CoBaLTT website.
Beck, S. (2011). The effects of a two-way dual language immersion environment on elementary mathematics TAKS test scores in Texas: An overall comparison and an analysis of questions with and without a visual prompt (Doctoral dissertation). Texas A&M University, Dallas, Texas.
Beeman, K. & Urow, C. (2013). The bridge: Strengthening connections between languages. Teaching for biliteracy: Strengthening bridges between languages (pp. 133–150). Philadelphia, PA: Carlson, Inc.
Beeman, K. & Urow, C. (2013). Word study and fluency: The dictado and other authentic methods. Teaching for biliteracy: Strengthening bridges between languages (pp. 114–132). Philadelphia, PA: Carlson, Inc.
Beeman, K. & Urow, C. (2013). Writing: A multilingual perspective. Teaching for biliteracy: Strengthening bridges between languages (pp. 99–113). Philadelphia, PA: Carlson, Inc.
Beeman, K. & Urow, C. (2013). Reading comprehension. Teaching for biliteracy: Strengthening bridges between languages (pp. 88–98). Philadelphia, PA: Carlson, Inc.
Beeman, K. & Urow, C. (2013). Building background knowledge. Teaching for biliteracy: Strengthening bridges between languages (pp. 78–87). Philadelphia, PA: Carlson, Inc.
Beeman, K. & Urow, C. (2013). Language resources, linguistic creativity, and cultural funds of knowledge. Teaching for biliteracy: Strengthening bridges between languages (pp. 66–77). Philadelphia, PA: Carlson, Inc.
Beeman, K. & Urow, C. (2013). Planning the strategic use of two languages. Teaching for biliteracy: Strengthening bridges between languages (pp. 48–65). Philadelphia, PA: Carlson, Inc.
Berens, M. S., Kovelman, I., & Petitto, L. A. (2013). Should bilingual children learn reading in two languages at the same time or in sequence? Bilingual Research Journal: The Journal of the National Association for Bilingual Education, 36(1), 35–60.
Berens, M., Kovelman, I., & Petitto, L. (2013). Should bilingual children learn reading in two languages at the same time or in sequence? Bilingual Research Journal 36, 35-60. doi:10.1080/15235882.2013.779618
Bialystok, E. (2007). Acquisition of literacy in bilingual children: A framework for research. Language learning, 57(1), 45–77.
Bialystok, E. (2009). Bilingualism: the good, the bad, and the indifferent. Bilingual: Language and Cognition, 12(1), 3-11.
Birdsong, D., Vanhove, J. (2016). Age of second-language acquisition: Critical periods and social concerns. In E., Nicoladis, & S., Montanari (Eds.), Bilingualism Across The Lifespan (pp. 141-161). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Blake, S., Hurley, S.R., & Tinajero, J.V. (2000). Literacy and science: Connections for English language learners. In J. V. Tinajero, & R. A. DeVillar (Eds.), Power of two languages 2000: Effective dual language use across the curriculum (pp. 266–282). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Block, N. (2012). Perceived impact of two-way dual immersion programs on Latino students' relationships in their families and communities. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 15(2), 235–257.
Bohman, T. M., Bedore, L. M., Peña, E. D., Mendez-Perez, A., & Gillam, R. B. (2010). What you hear and what you say: Language performance in Spanish–English bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13(3), 325-344.
Boudreaux, N. (2007). Top ten responsibilities of a successful immersion administrator (in The Bridge: From research to practice [insert]). ACIE Newsletter, 10(3), 1–4.
Boyle, A., August, D., Tabaku, L., Cole, S., & Simpson-Baird, A. (2015). Dual Language Education Programs: Current State Policies and Practices. U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition, Washington, D.C.


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