Immersion Bibliography Search Results

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Hernández, A. (2015). Language status in two-way bilingual immersion: The dynamics between English and Spanish in peer interaction. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 3(1), 102-126. doi:10.1075/jicb.3.1.05her
Herrera, C. (2016). Bilingual education : A history of family and community involvement in schools. Unpublished Dissertation. University of Texas, Austin, Texas.
Hickey, T. (2001). Mixing beginners and native speakers in minority language immersion: Who Is immersing whom? Canadian Modern Language Review, 57, 443–74.
Hickey, T. M. (2007). Children’s language networks in minority language immersion: What goes in may not come out. Language and Education, 21, 46–65.
Himmel, J. (2012). Language objectives: The key to effective content area instruction for English learners. Colorín Colorado. Retrieved from
Himmel, J., Short, D., Richards, C., & Echevarria, J. (2009). Using the SIOP model to improve middle school science instruction. CREATE brief.
Hopewell, S., & Escamilla K. (2014). Biliteracy development in immersion contexts. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 2(2), 181-195. doi:10.1075/jicb.2.2.02hop
Hornberger, N. (1990). Creating successful learning contexts for biliteracy. In Penn working papers in educational linguistics (pp. 1–22). Washington, DC: Educational Resources Information Center.
Howard, E. (2002). Two-way immersion A key to global awareness. Educational Leadership, 60(2), 62–64.
Howard, E. & Christian, D. (2002). Two-way Immersion 101: Designing and implementing a two-way immersion education program at the elementary level. CREDE Educational Practice Report. Santa Cruz, CA and Washington, DC: Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence. Retrieved from
Howard, E. R., Green, J. D., & Arteagoitia, I. (2012). Can yu rid guat ay rot? A developmental investigation of cross-linguistic spelling errors among Spanish-English bilingual students. Bilingual Research Journal: The Journal of the National Association for Bilingual Education, 35(2), 164–178.
Howard, E. R., Sugarman, J., Christian, D., Lindholm-Leary, K. J., Rogers, D. (2007). Guiding principles for dual language education (2nd ed.) Washington, D. C.: Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved from
Howard, E. R., Sugarman, J., Coburn, C. (2006). Adapting the sheltered instruction observation protocol (SIOP) for two-way immersion education: An introduction to the TWIOP. Washington D. C.: Center for Applied Linguistics.
Howard, E.R. & Christian, D. (1997). The development of bilingualism and biliteracy in two-way immersion students. Paper presented at the 1997 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (pp. 1–28). Washington, D. C.: Educational Resources Information Center.
Howard, E.R. & Loeb, M.I. (1998 December). In their own words: Two-way immersion teachers talk about their professional experiences. ERIC Digest. Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics Retrieved from
Howard, E.R. & Sugarman, J. (2001). Two-way immersion programs: Features and statistics. ERIC Digest. Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics Retrieved from
Howard, E.R., Christian, D., Genesee, F. (2004). The development of bilingualism and biliteracy from Grade 3 to 5: A summary of findings from the CAL/CREDE Study of Two-Way Immersion Education. Santa Cruz, CA: Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence.
Howard, E.R., Sugarman, J. & Christian, D. (2003). Trends in two-way immersion education: A review of the research report 63. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. Retrieved from
Hult, F. M., & Hornberger, N. H. (2016). Revisiting orientations in language planning: Problem, right, and resources as an analytical heuristic. The Bilingual Review, 33(3), 30–49.
Hunt, V. (2011). Learning from success stories: Leadership structures that support dual language programs over time in New York City. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 14(2), 187–206.


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