Immersion Bibliography Search Results

Found 417 matching records for: Two-way

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Giouroukakis, V., & Honigsfeld, A. (2010). High‐stakes testing and English language learners: Using culturally and linguistically responsive literacy practices in the high school English classroom. TESOL Journal, 1(4), 470-499.
Glenn, C. L. (1990). How to integrate bilingual education without tracking. The School Administrator, 28–31.
Goldenberg, C. (2000). Promoting early literacy development among Spanish-speaking children: Lessons from two studies. In J. V. Tinajero, & R. A. DeVillar (Eds.), The power of two languages 2000: Effective dual-language use across the curriculum (pp. 83–101). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Goldenberg, C. (2013). Unlocking the research on English learners: What we know–and don't yet know–about effective instruction. American Educator, 37(2), 4-11.
Goldenberg, C., Tolar, T. D., Reese, L., Francis, D. J., Bazán, A., R., & Mejía-Arauz, R. (2014). How important is teaching phonemic awareness to children learning to read in Spanish? American Educational Research Journal, 51, 3, 604-633. doi: 10.3102/0002831214529082
Goldenberg, C., Tolar, T., Reese, L., Francis, D., Ray Bazán, A., & Mejía-Arauz, R. (2014). How important is teaching phonemic awareness to children learning to read in Spanish? American Educational Research Journal, 51(3), 604-633. doi:10.3102/0002831214529082
Goldenburg, C. (2013). Unlocking the research on English learners: What we know-and don’t yet know-about effective instruction. American Educator, 1–38. Retrieved from and Instruction/Frameworks/ELP 2015/GoldenbergUnlocking.pdf
Gomez, L., Freeman, D., & Freeman, Y. (2005). Dual language education: A promising 50-50 model. Bilingual Research Journal, 29(1), 145–164.
Gonzalez, N., Arnot-Hopffer, E. (2003). Voices of the children: Language and literacy ideologies in a dual language immersion program. In S. Wortham, & B. Rymes (Eds.), Linguistic anthropology of education (pp. 213–243). Praeger.
Gorski, P. C., & Swalwell, K. (2015). Equity literacy for all. Educational Leadership, 72(6), 34-40.
Gort, M. (2006). Strategic codeswitching, interliteracy, and other phenomena of emergent bilingual writing: Lessons from first grade dual language classrooms. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 6(3), 323–354.
Graham, C.R. & Brown, C. (1996). The effects of acculturation on second language proficiency in a community with a two-way bilingual program. Bilingual Research Journal, 20(2), 235–260.
Granena, G. (2014). Language aptitude and long-term achievement in early childhood L2 learners. Applied Linguistics, 35(4), 483–503.
Hamayan, E., Genesee, F., & Cloud, N. (2013). Teaching academic content. Dual language instruction from A to Z (pp. 115–156). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Hamayan, E., Genesee, F., & Cloud, N. (2013). The first steps: Planning a dual language program. In Dual language instruction from A to Z: Practical guidance for teachers and administrators(pp. 43–86). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Hamayan, E., Genesee, F., & Cloud, N. (2013). The first steps: Planning a dual language program. In Dual language instruction from A-Z: Practical guidance for teachers and administrators (pp. 43-86). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Hamayan, E., Genesee, F., & Cloud, N. (2013). Teaching academic content. In Dual language instruction from A-Z: Practical guidance for teachers and administrators (pp. 115-156). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Haynes, E. (2009). English language acquisition and Navajo achievement in Magdalena, New Mexico: Promising outcomes in heritage language education. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.
Hellawell, M. (2011). An analysis of school principals' perceptions of change and the implications for dual language program success. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas.
Henderson, K., & Palmer D. (2015). Teacher scaffolding and pair work in a bilingual pre-kindergarten classroom. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 3(1), 77-101. doi: 10.1075/jicb.3.1.04hen


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