Enhancing Language Development through the Responsive Classroom’s “Morning Meeting”
The ACIE Newsletter, February 2005, Vol. 8, No. 2
by Cindy LaVan (4th Grade) and Laura Pezán (1st Grade), Robbinsdale Spanish Immersion School, Robbinsdale, MN
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Tonya Dexter, third grade bilingual teacher, reads a story to a group of her students. |
A few years ago, a group of teachers from Robbinsdale Spanish Immersion School attended a week-long summer institute of The Responsive Classroom sponsored by Origins of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Our goal was to learn about the approach, and specifically, the implementation and use of the “Morning Meeting.” Being an elementary immersion school of approximately 625 students, housed in a former high school, and sharing space with a middle school of approximately the same size, we face the challenge of trying to create not only an elementary, but an immersion environment. Our hope was that the implementation of the “Morning Meeting” would help create a safe, structured and meaningful place for our students to begin their academic day. What we discovered was that The Responsive Classroom is much more than the use of “Morning Meeting,” and in fact includes six components (Northeast Foundation for Children, 2003, p.1):
“Morning Meeting” (building a community of learners in the classroom and throughout the school)
Rules and Logical Consequences (empowering children to develop their own internal locus of control)
Guided Discovery (teaching children about the responsible use and care of materials)
Academic Choice (incorporating choice into the daily routine of the classroom)
Classroom Organizationå
Reaching out to Parents and Guardians
Since our initial experience with Responsive Classroom (RC), we continue to extend our learning through attendance at Origins’ workshops, and increase participation in the approach throughout our school. We have learned so much more about the RC philosophy than we initially set out to discover. We have found many opportunities to increase our focus on the language we are teaching, in addition to strengthening our sense of immersion community. Integral to the implementation of this philosophy is the understanding and belief in the seven principles of the RC approach (Northeast Foundation for Children, 2003, p. 3):
The social curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum.
How children learn is as important as what they learn.
The greatest cognitive growth occurs through social interaction.
There is a specific set of social skills that children need in order to be successful academically and socially.
Knowing the children we teach individually, culturally, and developmentally is as important as knowing the content we teach.
Knowing the families of the children we teach is important to knowing the children.
How we, the adults at school, work together is as important as our individual competence.
While our journey with RC continues to evolve, for the purposes
of this paper we will be focusing solely on the first component,
“Morning Meeting,” and how it has become a vehicle for us
to enhance language instruction in the immersion classroom.
Our initial curiosity about RC centered around the “Morning
Meeting” (MM) as a vehicle for building community in the classroom
and strengthening relationships. Research is now backing up
what we’ve noticed as educators, that “…social skills… are
inextricably intertwined with cognitive growth and intellectual
progress” (Kriete, 2003, p 8). The MM provides a time and
space on a daily basis for practicing those important social
skills. The meeting format includes four components: a greeting,
time for sharing, a group activity (game, song, etc.), and
“News and Announcements” about the academic day ahead. All
of this takes approximately 20 minutes. As immersion educators,
we are perhaps doubly inclined to ask, Where do we find the
time, how can we add one more thing? In the case of immersion
education, however, the time and space created to talk, question,
listen and hear others during MM provides many opportunities
for the authentic use of the immersion language, and also
offers children the chance to belong, to feel cared about
and to have fun using their immersion language. As a result
of our experience in immersion education through .the years,
we have noticed that children learn best when language learning
involves them in interesting, meaningful and real tasks, and
when their desire to communicate accurately is intensified
by issues of self-interest and a genuine motive—having their
personal meaning understood. Children learn language best
through purposeful interaction, and the more frequently a
child enjoys opportunities to speak, read, write, and listen
to the language, the more she/he is able to produce.
When students come to know each other, as they do in MM, they
are more able to take the learning risks needed for literacy.
They practice speaking and listening each day as they greet
each other and share personal news. They learn how to ask
interesting questions and give thoughtful answers, how to
tell a story, to summarize and condense information, and to
describe details. (Crawford, Nauman and Rottman, 2002, p.
These skills are vital to all learners, and especially to
immersion learners, who must be provided with multiple opportunities
for refining their language production.
There are four purposes for the first component of MM, the
Greeting sets a positive tone for the classroom and the
day. Being greeted provides a sense of recognition and belonging
which meets a universal human need. Greeting helps children
learn and use each other’s names. Greeting gives children
a chance to practice the art of offering hospitality. (Kriete,
2002, pp. 34-36, 38)
In the immersion classroom, greetings also provide some of
the following language and culture learning possibilities:
Country- or region-specific greetings in the immersion language
Multicultural greetings from around the world
Use of informal language to greet friends and intimates
Use of formal language to greet authority figures
Customs and unique behaviors when greeting
The second component of MM is sharing.
Sharing helps develop the skills of caring communication
and involvement with one another. Sharing extends the knowing
and being known that is essential for the development of community
and for individuals’ sense of significance. Sharing encourages
habits of inquiry and thought, important for cognitive growth.
Sharing provides practice in speaking to a group in a strong
and individual voice. Sharing strengthens vocabulary development
and reading success. (Kriete, 2002, pp.50,52-55)
In the immersion classroom, sharing provides rich opportunity
for focusing on different aspects of language. While children
are sharing and asking questions of one another, the teacher
is continuously assessing their use of language. This assessment
then becomes the basis for future language instruction, in
the form of mini-lessons, or by having students focus their
attention on a particular grammatical structure during subsequent
meetings. For example, if students are consistently using
incorrect verb endings for questions and replies, this becomes
a mini-lesson, and in subsequent meetings students are asked
to focus on their usage. The same can be done with the usage
(or lack thereof) of common phrases and expressions in the
immersion language. These aims are in line with the strategies
set forth by Miriam Stein, Ph.D., in the May, 1999 ACIE Newsletter
which included: 1) Perform a needs analysis, 2) Familiarize
yourself with the linguistic structures in the target language,
3) Encourage use of non-academic vocabulary in your classroom,
4) Encourage more oral production in your classroom, and 5)
Encourage accurate oral production.
During an individual share, immersion students thus have the
opportunity to develop a variety of language skills, such
as: • Learning how to ask interesting questions • Using question
words and word order shifts for asking questions • Using words
and structures for responding to questions • Using words for
every-day conversational topics (family, hobbies, sports,
places, etc.) • Correctly using every-day expressions and
exclamatory phrases that are specific to the immersion language
While this sharing is taking place, it is not uncommon to
hear students correcting each other, or supplying each other
with unknown words. Another helpful strategy we like to use
is to post common questions and answer phrases in the meeting
area, (e.g., “Have a good time,” “Who gave it to you?,” “Where
did you get it?,” etc.) to further focus student attention
on correct usage of L2.
In addition to individual sharing, structured whole-group
shares can also be used by the teacher to focus on and practice
specific aspects of language. In a structured share, the teacher
poses a prompt or question and the entire class is given the
opportunity to respond. The grammatical focus will depend
on the age and language needs of the students. Some examples
might include:
Use of common expressions and phrases at the primary level (“I like…,” “My favorite ___ is…,” “I went…,” etc.).
Questions that require adjective/noun agreement.
Questions that require subject/verb agreement.
Questions that require the use of difficult verb constructions (the verb ‘to like/me gusta’ in Spanish; reflexive verbs, etc.). The use of the subjunctive and conditional tenses (If I had a million dollars, I would…, If I could be any animal, I would be…, etc.).
After sharing time, the third, and probably most anticipated
aspect of MM is the group activity. Group activity contributes
to the sense of community culture by building a class repertoire
of common material—songs, games, chants and poems. Group
activity also fosters active and engaged participation. Group
activity heightens a class’s sense of group identity. Group
activity encourages cooperation and inclusion. (Kriete, 2002,
pp. 75-78)
There are numerous opportunities for infusing language, cultural,
and curricular connections into this component of MM. The
following is a partial list that can serve as a springboard
to the endless possibilities that exist in immersion classrooms:
Songs, poems, riddles, chants
Games from L2 countries
Vocabulary games
Math vocabulary and counting games
Inclusion of native-speaking teaching assistants in cultural activities
The final component of MM is “News and Announcements.” This
aspect is a written communication from the teacher that outlines
the academic day ahead, and may summarize prior learning,
or acknowledge students for something they have accomplished.
The writing, often in the form of a letter, is also interactive
in that it involves students in answering some question or
prompt related to the academic day ahead; it serves as a preview
to learning. This interactive piece can also serve as a natural
assessment of language development, in that the question or
prompt can focus on grammar skills, math vocabulary, vocabulary
from themes of study, and so on.
News and Announcements eases the transition into the classroom
day and makes children feel excited about what they’ll be
learning. News and Announcements develops and reinforces language,
math, and other skills in a meaningful and interactive way.
News and Announcements builds community through shared written
information. (Kriete, 2002, pp. 91, 92, 94)
Language growth possibilities in the immersion setting are
endless. In the primary immersion environment, “News and Announcements”
follow a regular, predictable format to build reading skills.
It is also a great means of building and using familiar language
patterns to teach letter recognition, phonics skills, spelling,
vocabulary, basic phrases, etc. Primary teachers also focus
on including new sentence patterns to continue building independent
reading of unfamiliar language.
Below is a list of possible primary immersion skills that
can be explored through the use of “News and Announcements”:
Capital letters (names, beginning of sentences)
Handwriting, word spacing, formation of letters
Alphabet (letters and syllables)
How to write a letter
What is a sentence/question/exclamation (punctuation)
Applying phonetic skills
Spelling, accent marks, etc.
Calendar skills (days of the week, months, yesterday-today-tomorrow)
Daily schedule vocabulary
Academic (theme) vocabulary
Math vocabulary/activities
Math word problems
Social studies—map skills
Current topics of study
Choral reading
Correcting errors—editing
At the upper elementary grade levels, “News and Announcements”
also tend to follow a daily, predictable format such as a
letter, memo or journal entry. The writing is used to introduce
new concepts, themes or units, review prior learning, review
or recognize behavior expectations and classroom rules or
to acknowledge effort and achievement of the class. Students
also participate actively in reading the chart. A multitude
of language features can be exploited through the use of morning
“News and Announcement”:
Mechanics (capitalization, punctuation, types of sentences, accent marks)
Previewing vocabulary for new concepts/themes of study (riddles about word meanings, fill in the blanks to uncover words, words I already know, etc.)
Reviewing vocabulary from themes of study
Math vocabulary—preview, review
“Work the chart”—specific grammatical focus where students may identify parts of speech, change verb tenses, add missing words (articles, verb endings, adjective endings, etc.), create a list of synonyms for overly used words, etc.
Editing, proofreading (finding and correcting errors, adding articles that are in agreement w/nouns, adding verb endings to match the subject, etc.)
Expressive reading
Adding details to writing
Social connections (weekends, free time, family connection, etc.)
Letter formats (friendly, formal; parts of a letter)
Different types of salutations (friendly, formal)
Calendar skills (each letter includes the date)
Use of paragraphs
Cursive handwriting
As “Morning Meetings” become a familiar, established part
of each school day, and students master the behavior expectations
for a successful, fun, efficient MM, they are gradually able
to take over responsibility for planning the meetings themselves.
This might begin with students taking turns choosing the greeting
and/or activity for that morning, and grow into a student
or group of students actually planning and carrying out the
meeting themselves. This is an especially rich opportunity
in the upper grades to provide a real-life purpose for using
the L2, as well as focusing on the accurate usage of the immersion
language in the written “News and Announcements.”
While there will always be a struggle for time in the immersion
classroom, we have come to value the important learning that
takes place during the first minutes of every school day,
both socially and academically. The language and friendship
that is established during greetings, the conversations that
take place during sharing, the fun and cultural learning that
take place during the activity portion of MM, and the rich
language opportunities provided through the use of the written
word, all provide the basis for increased language use and
proficiency development in the immersion classroom. As research
and experience have shown, students need to use the language
in order to master it. “…There are real limits to the level
of second language proficiency that can be achieved in school
settings that do not include a substantial opportunity for
peer interaction in the target language” (Genesee, 1987, p.
Perhaps the greatest challenge facing immersion teachers is
the art of creating a learning environment where students
are motivated to stay in the immersion language. Our responsibility
is to create conditions for learning through social interaction
by providing students with engaging, meaningful and fun reasons
to use their developing language skills. “Students must have
opportunities to communicate powerfully in the target language
if they are going to integrate their language and cognitive
development with their growing personal identities" (Cummins,
2000, p.13). While our initial aim was to use MM to foster
community in the classroom, which it certainly has, we have
discovered along the way that it is a wonderful vehicle for
motivating student use of the L2, while providing opportunities
to acquire, practice and fine-tune their developing language
skills. We have found that MM is worth the investment of time,
both for community building and increased language proficiency
in our immersion classrooms.