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Archived Content from Conference Held in October 2012

Immersion 2012: Bridging Contexts for a Multilingual World


2012 Dual Language/Immersion Education
Researcher Convocation

The  2012 Dual Language/Immersion Education Researcher Convocation––a unique gathering of more than 45 invited researchers from around the world who specialize in language immersion education––was held on Wednesday as a complement to the conference. The convocation was designed to further development of a research agenda with active researchers in the field, most of whom were already participating in the conference as presenters.

Several of the researchers at the convocation agreed to share their PowerPoint presentations and handouts with the wider immersion education community. Click on the links below.

Panel #1–Context-specific discussion

Focus: What do we know and what do we need to know regarding the following topics?

1.  Program design & articulation and student population/demographics
2.  Intercultural competence and bi/multilingual and cultural identity

  • Indigenous language immersion
    Mary Hermes,University of Minnesota
    Presentation Slides (PDF) & Handout (PDF)  
  • One-way second/foreign language immersion
    Siv Björklund, University of Vaasa, Finland

  • Two-way bilingual immersion
    Ester de Jong, University of Florida
    Presentation Slides (PDF) & Handout (PDF)


Panel #2–Cross-program discussions on specific topics

Focus: What  do we know and what do we need to know regarding the following topics?
  • At-risk learners/differentiation
    Fred Genesee, McGill University
    Presentation Slides (PDF) & Handout (PDF)

  • Biliteracy development
    Kathy Escamilla, University of Colorado-Boulder

  • Immersion pedagogy & classroom interaction
    Roy Lyster, McGill University
    Presentation Slides (PDF) & Handout (PDF)

  • Student outcomes
    Kathy Lindholm-Leary San José State University








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Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) • 140 University International Center • 331 - 17th Ave SE • Minneapolis, MN 55414