Checklist for Web Browsing:
Searching, Evaluating, Saving and Citing
CARLA Technology Project

If you need help with any of the following, use the "Help" in Netscape or Internet Explorer for more information.                      (N) refers to Netscape,  (IE) refers to Internet Explorer
YES I know how to:
 Browser Basics:
  open a new browser window

open a second browser window and switch between the two
Check this out: look for the "window" pull-down menu

  use all the buttons and menus
Check this out: check the help menu for more information. 
On a PC, hold your mouse over the button without clicking.
  go to a web page URL (address) that someone has sent or given me
  go back quickly to a page I've already seen (hint: "go" menu or click and hold the forward/back arrows)
  work with frames and print a specific frame
  recover from and work through error messages
  change the font size/type you're seeing onscreen
  set my own start page (the one that comes up when your browser first opens)
  change the caracter set for Japanese, Chinese, etc.

set the "NetWatch" (N) / "content rating" (IE) protection levels
Check this out: Does your school or district have a "web filter" program in place? What are your school's policies for student web use?

Searching for Web Resources
  use a search engine 
  narrow my search with "Search Engine Math" 
  find help or advanced tips for my favorite search engine
  do a search using a target language search engine
  use a meta search engine
  use the "Find" to search for something within one page 
  tell the difference between a search engine and a directory (see "things to know")
  use specialized search engines for specific purposes
Evaluating Web Pages
  tell where a webpage is coming from by looking at the URL
  help my students evaluate the content of a webpage
Saving What I Find - Bookmarks/Favorites and more (look in the respective Helps)
  make a Bookmark (N) / Favorite (IE)
  organize your Bookmarks/Favorites in folders and dividers 
  save your Bookmarks/Favorites to diskette
  import Bookmarks/Favorites
  email the URL and page info to myself or others
  share my Bookmarks/Favorites with others - as a file or on the Web
  drag-and-drop a Bookmark/Favorite to my word processor (this will depend on setup of lab or software)
  copy-and-paste a section of a webpage to my word processor
  save a graphic Check this out: drag-and-drop it to a word processor page!  also, click-and hold (Mac) or right-click(PC) and choose "save graphic as"
Citing Resources and Copyright Considerations
  format my web-based resouces for a bibliography
  tell my students about ethical uses of web resources