Checklist for Creating Webpages
CoBaLTT Project

If you need help with any of the following, use the "Help" in your webpage editor.
YES I know how to:
  begin a new webpage
  use File - Open to find a previously saved webpage
  add text and text breaks (end of line, paragraph)
  format text using font, size, styles, color
  align text - left, right, center
  create a bulleted list - turn it on and turn it off again!
  make a link to another webpage
  find and utilize the "help"
  set the page background color or use a repeating graphic
  set the page title
  insert a horizontal dividing line
  add a graphic (import/add or drag-and-drop from a web page)
  place the graphic left, right or center
  resize the graphic
  save the file following the 8+3 naming rule
  "publish" my files to a webserver
  create a table
  use a table to create columns
  use a table for a more complicated page layout format
  create a set of pages to be seen in frames
  create a link in a frame that will open a new browser window
  use helper applications to create online quizzes
  use alternative web creation places - for example, a wiki, a ning, or others like Quia, etc.