Checklist for Presentation Software
CoBaLTT Project

If you need help with any of the following, ask your tech teacher!
YES I know how to:
  start a new file in PPt or HS
  add new slides/cards
  insert and format text - size, font, color, style
  insert graphics - what graphic formats can the application use? (jpg, gif, pict, bmp, etc.)
  work with graphics - resize, move, copy, paste, align, etc
  add a background to all the slides/cards via the "background"/HS or "master slide"/PPt
  rearrange the slide/card order
  print the slides/cards
  organize information in a clear, consistent way for the viewer
  use appropriate background and text colors to ensure readability
  use the "draw" tools to create my own graphics - lines, shapes, outlines, fills, color, etc.
  add buttons to a slide/card
  incorporate sounds
  incorporate movies
  make a link out to a web URL
  add transitions and animations - and use them judiciously!
PowerPoint Specifics
  switch between the different page views
  use templates or wizards to create slides
  use the outline view to create slides
  change the color scheme or font defaults
  print the different slide views (slides with notes, 6 to a page, etc.)
  save the presentation in HTML format
HyperStudio Specifics
  "tear away" the tool palette, reposition it, close it
  know how/when to use the different tools: browse, arrow, selector, lasso, etc.
  add an action to a button
  see a checklist with many more specifics (Acrobat Reader needed)

Last updated July, 2004