Checklist for Audio-Video on the Web (Plugins)
CARLA Technology Project

If you need help with any of the following, try a Google search for more information.
YES I know how to:
  explain what a plugin does
  find out which plugins are installed in my browser  (Hint: (N)"Help" menu, (IE) Edit-Preferences)
  find a plugin that I need
  download and install a plugin
  describe the advantages and disadvantages of using cookies
  set my Preferences for accepting cookies (or not)
Try this:  set your browser preferences to the "warn me" level for cookies for a little while - you'll see all the cookies that get sent to you 
  look at the cookies on my machine (Hint: (N) "MagicCookie", (IE) Edit-Preferences
  I know the zones for video and DVD - for where I teach and for the countries I buy from/for