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Vocabulary Items |
Topics |
Grammar Points |
bank, new/old, white, red, door, automated teller machine (ATM), signs - Hebrew, money |
urban/rural: -rural |
event/process-going to the bank;
shapes-square |
prices, cheese, eggs, pizza, cakes, sandwich, breakfast, people, street, signs-Hebrew, red, salads |
money -price of the breakfast;
urban/rural -urban
food -cheese, pizza, eggs, cakes |
ordering of process/event -going to eat breakfast
pastimes -going out |
men, olives, pickles, shopping, black, green, blue, salesman, market |
shopping -in the market
food -olives, pickles |
tense/aspect -progressive |
bus (1), road, blue, street, to pay, to drive, windows, people, buildings, city |
everyday life: - taking a bus
transportation -bus
buildings -(old style) |
motion verbs;
how many? -buses |
to wait, bus, signs-Hebrew, chairs, tree, street |
transportation -bus |
comparatives - empty/full |
tomato, green pepper, green onion, shopping, people, red, green, street, pants, shirt |
shopping -going to the market |
subordinate clause: while...
tense/aspect -progressive |
lemons, oranges, bananas, apples, juice, store, to drink, to buy, juice maker, fresh, sign-Hebrew/English, street |
food -fruit
pastimes -going out-to drink
colors -yellow, orange, red, green
shopping -seller-buyer dialogue |
cardinal numbers -plural
event/process -going to drink |
telephone, to call, telephone card, street, to dial, green, sign-Hebrew |
numbers -phone number;
everyday life -to make a phone call |
floor (3), apartments, windows, car, trees, street, city, sky |
housing -apartments
urban/rural -urban |
number -plural/singular forms
location/spatial-relations -next to, to the left, behind, in front of |
post office, letters, stamps, to mail, to get, entrance, windows, car, signs-Hebrew/English/Arabic, red |
everyday life -going - post office;
event/process -going to the postoffice
urban/rural -urban |
tense/aspect -present/past progressive
how many? -windows |
to swim, sea, beach, people, to tan, to lie, chairs, blue, sky |
pastimes -beach-going, swimming
seasons -summer |
motion verbs -swimming
agreement -adjective-noun, subject-verb
conditational; |
grocery store, shopping, carts, price, cars, entrance, signs |
shopping -buying groceries
weather -sunnny |
ordering of procees/event -going-shopping
tense / aspect -present/past progressive |
cafe, street, to drink, to order, to talk, people, door, chairs, sign-Hebrew |
urban/rural -urbanseasons: -summer
pastimes -coffeehouse-going |
tense/aspect -progressive
positions -sitting, talking |
bakery, baker, to bake, dough, man, pastry, to sell, apron, white, shirt |
food -pastry |
ordering of process/event -baking
future; |
bakery, cakes, pastry, to bake, to sell, to buy, prices |
food: -pastry, cakes, cookies
pastimes -going to the bakery |
event/process -baking, selling |
road, telephone pole, sky, signs-Hebrew/English, arrows, place names |
urban/rural -rural |
directions -right/left |
prime minister, wall, graffiti , soldier, hat, glasses, red, blue, white, assassination, signs-Hebrew, death |
politics -the late prime minister |
synagogue, to pray, flag, gate, menorah, windows, door, lamps, stairs, sign-Hebrew |
religious -going to pray
everyday life -going to the synagogue |
reciprocal verb;
religious practice -temple going worshipping
how many? -windows, lamps
locative/spatial relations -next to, to the left, to the right |
kitchen counter, sink, cabinet, telephone, stove, cups, table, chairs, cupboards, dishwasher |
kitchen appliances-stove, dishwasher |
cardinal numbers -plural;
locative/spatial relations -in front of, next to, to the right, to the left |
kitchen, refrigerator, green, storage, cupboard |
kitchen appliances -refrigerator;
postions -horizontal |
kiosk, clocks, cow, bear, bottle, tomatoes, strawberry, table, to buy, prices, time |
shapes -squares, circles
how-many? -clocks
pastimes -going shopping |
tense/aspect -progressive |
baby, toys, living room, swing, to cry, white, red, yellow, children's book, plant, legs |
colors -red, white, yellow;
body parts -hair, legs, hands, eyes |
comparatives -smiling/crying
contrast -sitting vs. standing |
playground, slide, swing, jungle gym, climbing, playing, sliding, sand, trees, green, blue, orange |
pastimes -playing-playground
seasons -summer |
motion verbs;
opposites -empty/full |
dress (4), white, bride, to get married, store, to buy, display window, street, signs-Hebrew/English, wedding |
culture -traditional wedding dress;
colors -white
numbers -prices, dresses (4) |
reciprocal verb: -to get married
how many? -dresses
event/proces -going shopping |
orange, fresh, juice, to drink, to buy, signs-Hebrew, street, juice maker |
food -orange
conditional; |
stative verbs -thirsty |
street , road, sky, cars, traffic lights, plants, city, stores, signs-Hebrew, building |
buildings; |
contrast -near/far
locative/spatial relations -next to, above, in front of, to the right |
gas station, fuel, to pay, traffic lights, road, cars, trees, signs-Hebrew |
everyday life-going to a gas station |
cardinal numbers; plural; |
sea, sky, beach, clouds, sign-Hebrew, blue, a warning sign |
pastimes -going to the beach
seasons -summer
shapes -square |
sea, people (2), beach, to play, to swim, swimmimg suit, hat, toys, boat |
clothing -swimming suit, hat
pastimes -beach-going
weather -sunny |
adjectives (opposites) -old/young
contrast -standing vs. sitting |
restaurant, table, tablecloth, wine, wine glasses, menu, people (7), dress, shirt, pants, sign, family, grandfather |
pastimes -going out -restaurant
celebration; |
tense/aspect -progressive
cardinal numbers -plural |