Topic 6: Exceptionality
Students who have learning disabilities or behavioral challenges,
superior creativity or intellectual capability are typically considered,
and often assessed, outside the norm. In some cases, schools are
required by law to provide special services for these “exceptional”
children. What happens when those services cannot be provided in
the immersion language?
Practitioner Perspectives
Practitioner Perspectives
How do immersion schools serve students
with special needs; i.e. students with language or learning disabilities
and students with emotional or behavioral problems?
Even in the best of circumstances, parents and teachers of children
with special learning needs agonize over which teaching techniques,
instructional modifications, and learning plans will facilitate
language acquisition and content comprehension. In an immersion
setting where resources may be limited or unavailable in the target
language or where school and district personnel may be unfamiliar
with the goals of immersion, children with special needs may be
counseled out of immersion at the first signs of failure.
Immersion administrators say this is a bad idea. First, although
it is tempting to blame the medium of instruction – the immersion
language – on the struggles a child may have with academic
achievement, social development, or even school behavior, in the
majority of cases, being immersed in a language other than one’s
native tongue will not be detrimental to a child with special needs.
In fact, unless the learning disability is language-related or auditory
in nature, the problems the child has had in the immersion school
will more than likely resurface in an English-medium school.
Secondly, counseling special needs children out of immersion schools
can create tensions within a district. If immersion schools seem
unwilling or unable to take care of such students, other schools
in the district may feel put upon. They will be expected to bear
an uneven share of the responsibility of providing services to students
who may require costly and/or time-consuming adjustments to their
academic plans. Although services for special needs students may
not be available in the target language, it behooves immersion schools
to do their utmost to look for all possible solutions before sending
them to English-medium schools in the same district.
If possible, providing special services, in particular speech and
language or learning disabilities services, in the language of instruction
is preferable. For example, if students are being taught to read
in the immersion language but can only receive remedial reading
help in English (or vice versa in two-way immersion programs), the
remedial services will be less effective than if they are provided
in the language of instruction. However, this can be difficult to
achieve. In many districts special needs personnel float between
schools and are unlikely to speak the immersion language fluently
enough to offer services in the language, if indeed they speak the
language at all. For children who are struggling but not formally
identified as needing special education services, it may be possible
to provide ‘catch-up services’ in the immersion language.
In the long term, it is important to cultivate good relationships
with Human Resources personnel and department heads who are responsible
for special needs educational services. Work patiently to inform
these decision makers about the second language proficiency of your
staff and the importance of providing as much instruction as possible,
even special needs contact time, in the immersion language. Encourage
them to hire bilingual staff when there are openings in their departments
so that they can then assign floaters who speak languages other
than English to your immersion school as part of their workload.
How do immersion schools communicate with
parents about the needs of exceptional children?
Each case is individual and a child study team composed of parents,
teachers, administrators, and specialists should make decisions
about school placement and academic improvement based on the reasonable
chances for the success of the special needs child in the immersion
environment. It is important to consider how parents will feel about
the level of support that may be available for their child. If they
do not speak the immersion language, keeping their child in the
school may require a greater commitment from staff than if the child
is learning in an English environment.
How do immersion schools serve children
who have been identified as gifted?
Children who have been identified as gifted often receive services
in the same way that students with other special needs are serviced
– by specialists with little or no knowledge of the immersion
language and little or no understanding of immersion pedagogy. If
the district has a gifted pull-out program, gifted immersion students
will more than likely be a part of that program. Our practitioners
did not necessarily feel this was the best option, but with budget
constraints and staffing limitations, such services, in English,
are often the only available options. Although there are ready-made
resources available in English for classroom acceleration and enrichment
activities aimed at gifted learners, immersion schools usually have
to adapt or create materials to use in the target language.
A better option to serve not only gifted children but all children
in the regular immersion classroom may be to research staff training
opportunities in differentiation of classroom instruction. Classroom
management strategies and instructional techniques that make use
of flexible grouping, scaffolding, learning centers, literature
circles, anchor activities, open ended questioning, problem solving,
and critical thinking allow gifted learners to explore ideas beyond
their grade level while staying rooted in the immersion language
being used in their own classrooms.
Readings from the ACIE Archives:
Vancouver’s Peer Tutoring Reading Program-Chapman & Roy,
ACIE Bridge, November 2006
Evaluating Vancouver’s Peer Tutoring Reading Program –
Bournot-Trites, ACIE November 2006
Assessment of Struggling Elementary Immersion Learners: The St.
Paul Public Schools Model - Petzold, ACIE, February 2006
Scaffolding with Graphic Organizers - Cammarata, ACIE Bridge,
February 2005
Centers: Meaningful Context for Language Use in the Primary Immersion
Classroom – Click, ACIE Bridge, November 2004
Students and the Child Study Team: Determining Eligibility for Special
Education Services – Woelber, ACIE, May ?2004
Immersion Support Document: Possible Factors Influencing Student
Performance in French Immersion - Vancouver School Board, ACIE,
May 2004
in the Classroom-Anton, ACIE, May 04
Support for Primary Immersion Students - Fisher & Stone,
ACIE, May 2004
Do We Reinvent the Wheel All the Time? – Demers, ACIE,
November 2001
Immersion Education Appropriate for All Students-Gaffney, ACIE
February 1999